Blog by a CAT

Just what it says it is. It is a blog by a cat. I am a Tabby called THE FREYPUSS. If you want to know more, well then you can read the blog because it is difficult enough to type with paws. I may use a human secretary.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005


Hi there! I’m Bagera, Lica’s adopted brother. Just thought I’d introduce myself… It’s been awfully cold and wet here. But yesterday I caught this--

Pffffiittt! What are you doing here?!

Eh, heh heh, pardon him folks, don’t mind anything he says. He most certainly is not my adopted brother! He is just a stray!

Nobody said you adopted me. It’s our girl that adopted me.

She is not your girl! And she just feeds you because she feels sorry for you and because you threaten to knock her over if she doesn’t.

Say whatever you want. She did adopt me.

Get out of here, youTry to make me! Mrowfffitowsqureechumph

Helllooo! Pardon the two ruffians. They haven’t any manners. They weren’t born with royal Balenese blood like some of us. I am King of the Country, recently moved here. I’m sure the owners of the place will come to realize who I am quite soon and begin allowing me into the house.

Yeah right. I get into the house whenever I want, but not you. Nuh uh!

Yeah, you get in the house. And three minutes later get thrown out on your head by the man.

Woah, woah. Time out. This is Amy. Uh, sorry about that. Things aren’t going so smoothly around here… Ooops, gotta go

Thursday, November 24, 2005

So that girl got in here

HUH I suppose I have to introduce her. The Jessperson - this is a serious threat to my peace. Do you know how long it takes her to get ready for ANYTHING? Me, now me, I am already dressed. She better not eat all the turkey at Christmas as I am planning to do that.

As for scaredycats..........huh! I am related to a TIGER AND YOU ARE NOT SO THERE.

Freypuss the tiger

Finally! It's here!

After multiple times of rehashing what I'd already eaten, my human has gotten a clue. I'm getting on in years and my digestive system is certainly not at the same level it used to be, and I was getting tired of my same old, same old. So, the other day, my human came home with a surprise! WET CAT FOOD!

The first she gave me a whole can, and I gobbled it down with sheer delight, but now she's gone and toned it down a whole tonne! She's mixing it with the dry stuff! But not that I can complain. It sure is good.....

Wednesday, November 23, 2005



Monday, November 21, 2005

Hey a Hamster

It has come to my attention there is a hamster seeking admittance to the blog. You may do so by email as long as you hate dogs.Send my secretary an email address forthwith. However, I take no responsibility for any cat who thinks you are a MOUSIE.


Fat? Me?



Hey there are some new cats on the blog. Yippee we can have a cat convention. Catnip all round......


Saturday, November 19, 2005

A Canine Cat of the Year

For all you felines who hate dogs, here is an interesting story. Ginny, a schnauzer-Siberian husky, recently died. No, stop cheering! Listen. Her funeral will be attended by three hundred cats. Yes, I said cats. In 1998 Ginny was named Cat of the Year by the Wetchester Cat Show. Yes, a dog was named Cat of the Year.

Now, now, don’t faint in horror. And stop poofing your tail! You see, Ginny rescues cats. Some dogs search for and rescue humans--this dog finds trapped cats. Check it out Ginny’s story here (sorry about the awful tense problem--the writer needs a few English lessons…;-) and read about the funeral here.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

You humans are very odd

I just don't get why you don't grow fur coats.

My human is hoping for snow and she has no fur coat. Myself, I think this is bad for her.

Nor do I see why dinner time is not all the time.

I am still a mountain cat and despite what they say, I could have got down from the bannisters easy - they just moved me too soon!

Freypuss the waiting for snowcat.

(I will tell you if my paws are snow resistant then. We don't get it much here, but is is COLD and nearly cold enough.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

What's the deal?

I can't even go outside anymore! The white stuff is all over the ground and it's FREEZING cold. I touched my paw to the porch, and it just about froze off! I turned tail and ran back inside! Just the other day, the ground was still covered in that yummy grass, now I can't find it!

You'd better believe I'm flicking my tail about this.

Why I wasn't here and flea away

This is terrible.

YOu have been warned.

There is an enemy that creeps by stealth

And it crept onto me and I am REALLY UPSET

Fleas are the horridest horrids in the whole wide world, and I am NOT having any more of that terrrible spray.

Heh just to get me to cooperate I got several extra dinners. But it is not worth it.

To make it WORSE I now have this disgusting collar round my neck. Would you believe she chose silver that is all shiny. I am a cat not a Christmas treee.

AND....for the information of my RIVAL for attention. (WHO does that girl think she is?) I am here and you are there and I can see her and you can't. She must love me best because I have a fur coat and you only have that stupid skin stuff.) I AM A CAT. You live in a jungle and not me. It is called London.

Friday, November 11, 2005

I am a fat cat and a funny cat and we will leave it at that.

Firstly, my human had the cheek to chuck ME out in the cold too. It must be something in the air.
She is also calling ME fat.
I am sure there must be a cat's rights organisation I can tell, because she would not dare insult any other human in this way - that said she keeps telling the boy go go out to college - so maybe he and I have something in common.

As for people in that church of hers. Can you believe they say African cats are not the same, and they are AFRAID of me. Carol called me a minature TIGER - hehe little does she realise that is a compliment. They think I will scratch them it seems.

*ME* I am gentle and THIN and please can I have more dinner as I am STARVING.

Freypuss the extremely hungry and gentle for now. ( Well, till they fed me).

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Being Ignored

My human is ignoring me! I meow, and purr, and rub, and NOTHING. No response! Instead, she puts me outside! Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner, Freypuss, but I can't have my human transcribe something for me if I'm outside.

She seems somewhat grumpy these days. Not putting up with anything. I meow and she tells me to be quiet. Certainly knows how to make a cat feel unwanted - if I didn't have such a good thing going here, I'd run away!

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Where are all you other cats?

Hey, I made this blog cos I get a bit lonely. Where are you all?

Myself I am asleep on the telephone table and the latest news on the food front is I am a cat who eats her carrots. I LIKE carrots.

Freypuss who can see in the dark.

Monday, November 07, 2005

I am sleeping by the MOUSIE

Well, she says it is a mousie. I am not so sure, I never had to catch a plastic mousie before, but this one does something to her computer. This table sure is comfortable, seeing as I no longer believe in the safety of the carpet.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

I am a mountain cat

I am not using floors any more. Floors are for other cats. I now have the perfect route worked out round the house keeping me as high as you can get. I have also gone into aesthetic sleeping. If I keep quiet they will not notice I am on the table.

Why is there no more chicken and why have I never seen that white stuff called snow? I want to know if I like it on my paws or not.

I am a cat who is not afraid of bangs.They still have fireworks around here, but those bangs are nothing. The only real danger in this world is a dog off a lead barking.

Freypuss Mountaineer

Out all night long!

For you younger felines, a night on the town may be just what you're into, but it's not for me! I froze my little paws out there! Doesn't the human realize that I'm too old to spend the night outside when the white stuff comes? She's lucky I even came in! The nerve of some humans!


Saturday, November 05, 2005

Topping it - can't- found chicken!

Hmm well, Yo Yo, just at the moment I am rather busy in the kitchen eating a piece of chicken I found. I think myself it is fair game because it was left out and therefore MUST be for me, and this morning I am very hungry. I didn't even have time to say hello when I came in, because the dash to the food bowl was the only thing on my mind. I don't know why the human thought I wouldn't like chicken with herbs on, It is fine and I demand she cook me some more. There are two legs of it in the fridge and if I can just figure how to get them open, I will eat them all. I don't know why she took the bone away but there seems plenty of meat to enjoy.

My human doesn't bring home other cats, but she brings home strange other humans. The boy does it too. The boy humans make a lot of strange noises.

UH OH she just figured I was prowling on the kitchen counter so I better put on my innocent kitty look.

Freypuss, chicken eater.

Friday, November 04, 2005

The Time She Brought Another One...

My human did something VERY stupid once. She brought home another kitty (try to top this one, Freya, be glad all you have is a human-nemesis that lives somewhere else). I was MAD when my human brought another feline into the house. Suddenly I got NO attention. It was all about the stupid "Prickers". The little runt would chase me around and bite me. Then sometimes she'd get all "lovey-dovey" on me. I'm not about making babies - never have, never will. But I had a plan. I got a little dirty once or twice, and that's all it took. Prickers was a gullible cat - thinking she'd gain my respect by following in my footsteps. I tricked her good. She got dirty, but she didn't stop. One day, she up and disappeared, but I think my human had something to do with it.

That girl was here- I have COMPETITION!

What a cheek! That girl human, Jessika, was here and she posted comments on MY blog. Really, how can she complain about my wonderful presence in her mother's life when they are talking on that phone at gone midnight; and what on earth do they have to say if it is not to admire ME? I mean to say, get them on that phone, and dinner is LATE. Anyway, she doesn't do cats. I think myself, she had a secret dog in her flat. Anyway, if she wants my four dinners she better come visit her mum sometime.

I have a new route

I am the 'Cat who can jump high.' I have a new game leaping onto the bookcase and then through the bannisters onto the middle stair. I am sure it saves time.

Please will someone turn the fireworks off. I have a headache.


Thursday, November 03, 2005

I am living proof

I am living proof that cats like Marmite.

Today is definitely get a cuddle from the human day as there is a BIG dog near here and it woofed at me. My latest pose is on the human's lap as I dictate with one paw on the mousemat.

Freypuss the incredibly cuddly

I Despise the Little Ones.

Okay, first I have to apologize for not getting back to you earlier. I got rather perturbed at all the humans in this household and went to hide. Let me tell ya...

The day started out marvelous! I was cozied up on my favourite rocker, enjoying a VERY long nap. Got up to eat and do my duties once or twice, and went outside once, only to be let in 5 minutes later. Back to napping, I woke up to the feeling that I was inside a car - or something that moves. I look up, and who do I spy in front of the rocker? None other than the littlest of the humans. I tell you, if I had claws...

So, I get off my rocker and go lay down in another spot. The little one follows. Soon, I feel its little hands pushing down on my head, and again, I'm up and off to another spot. The little one follows. This time, I try biting (I don't bite hard, if I did, I'd be sure to get a whap from the big one), but that only encourages it more. Finally, I jump the bucket blocking the doorway and am free. To avoid any more instances of this, I hid for the rest of the day.

I thought I got away from that when I moved to this household!

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

How to worry the human

Sit in the middle of the living room at a time when you are normally out, with your paws neatly folded and watching EVERY movement the human makes. Then spend all night out in the rain, only returning when you are sure the human is up and will wrap you neatly in a towel. Don't struggle as per usual, and then go upstairs without wanting breakfast ( Don't worry, they then open the tin and you can leap downstairs to eat it a few moments later.) Then lay on the bed in a completely new position that you have never laid in before and look as if mousies would not melt in your mouth.

I have just proved this worked and am working on my next 'confuse the human' strategy.

Yo Yo you have to make the miaw sound like there is something really dreadful happening and if they don't do what you say then your miaow box will break - eventually they give in as they have a headache and can't stand your paws on their feet any longer.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

It is not fair!

It is most unfair. I only had four different dinners on the floor I wasn't eating and they wouldn't change them for something else.

I need to keep my strength up as I am convinced there is a monster outside the door, and I am being very careful about going out. It is not that I am afraid, it is just that it is common sense not to get eaten.

My human says she can't see anything. This is worrying as either she has something wrong with her eyes or she may get eaten by the monster. I am going to sit on her as much as I can to keep her inside.

Freypuss, the really very brave but very sensible and would you go out if that thing was there, cat.