Blog by a CAT

Just what it says it is. It is a blog by a cat. I am a Tabby called THE FREYPUSS. If you want to know more, well then you can read the blog because it is difficult enough to type with paws. I may use a human secretary.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


A battle scar won in a fair fight is one thing. I am not bothered by the appearance of my ear at all but now I have been INSULTED. I do not accept the presence of fleas in my fur and I strongly object to the use of flea powder and combs. Has my human taken leave of her senses? She SAYS it was necessary but I don't believe her and further post may be addressed to the cat in the wardrobe. I shall stay here until she brings me the right kind of Catbiscuit but I am not telling her which...sheesh!

Friday, October 05, 2007

Oh my dear ear............oh dear....

Finally I let her look and the truth is out. I was bitten on the ear and I am proud of it. You see *I* won the fight. I am not sick or ill and so I don't know why she is making such a fuss. That ear is mine. Don't tell her the other Kit came off worse.
I am a cat after all. Freypuss

p.s don't tell her where I am either as I don't like that salt water stuff too much.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

I don't know where I have been

She says she was busy with her church and her book 'Firedance' which she says if I give a plug for here she might just give me CATBISCIUTS. Erm....hard to write with your mouth and paws full. Anyway in the interests of my tummy and because I LOVE catbisciits I will tell you it is at One day she will write more about ME. I am so beautiful..............Sheesh how many months since she touched this blog thingy? I can only do the paws bit.