Blog by a CAT

Just what it says it is. It is a blog by a cat. I am a Tabby called THE FREYPUSS. If you want to know more, well then you can read the blog because it is difficult enough to type with paws. I may use a human secretary.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Finally! It's here!

After multiple times of rehashing what I'd already eaten, my human has gotten a clue. I'm getting on in years and my digestive system is certainly not at the same level it used to be, and I was getting tired of my same old, same old. So, the other day, my human came home with a surprise! WET CAT FOOD!

The first she gave me a whole can, and I gobbled it down with sheer delight, but now she's gone and toned it down a whole tonne! She's mixing it with the dry stuff! But not that I can complain. It sure is good.....


Blogger Sparrow said...

Ah yes, I get tired of the same-old, same-old, too... I really like that red stuff that I know is in the cupboard, but my girl says I'm allergic to red food coloring. Come to think of it, the red stuff doesn't set so well...But it sure is yummy!


Thursday, 24 November, 2005  

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