Blog by a CAT

Just what it says it is. It is a blog by a cat. I am a Tabby called THE FREYPUSS. If you want to know more, well then you can read the blog because it is difficult enough to type with paws. I may use a human secretary.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Why I wasn't here and flea away

This is terrible.

YOu have been warned.

There is an enemy that creeps by stealth

And it crept onto me and I am REALLY UPSET

Fleas are the horridest horrids in the whole wide world, and I am NOT having any more of that terrrible spray.

Heh just to get me to cooperate I got several extra dinners. But it is not worth it.

To make it WORSE I now have this disgusting collar round my neck. Would you believe she chose silver that is all shiny. I am a cat not a Christmas treee.

AND....for the information of my RIVAL for attention. (WHO does that girl think she is?) I am here and you are there and I can see her and you can't. She must love me best because I have a fur coat and you only have that stupid skin stuff.) I AM A CAT. You live in a jungle and not me. It is called London.


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