Blog by a CAT

Just what it says it is. It is a blog by a cat. I am a Tabby called THE FREYPUSS. If you want to know more, well then you can read the blog because it is difficult enough to type with paws. I may use a human secretary.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

A Canine Cat of the Year

For all you felines who hate dogs, here is an interesting story. Ginny, a schnauzer-Siberian husky, recently died. No, stop cheering! Listen. Her funeral will be attended by three hundred cats. Yes, I said cats. In 1998 Ginny was named Cat of the Year by the Wetchester Cat Show. Yes, a dog was named Cat of the Year.

Now, now, don’t faint in horror. And stop poofing your tail! You see, Ginny rescues cats. Some dogs search for and rescue humans--this dog finds trapped cats. Check it out Ginny’s story here (sorry about the awful tense problem--the writer needs a few English lessons…;-) and read about the funeral here.


Blogger Jacky said...

Tiggercat we want you to post on the board because you are our friend. Send my secretary an email address so she can add you. I need help because the Jessperson belonging to my secretary is after me for not being in the jungle.


Sunday, 20 November, 2005  
Blogger purple_kangaroo said...

well thats a new one. if cats and dogs can be friends than maybe i can read a blog about cats.

i am not afraid of you because i have my glass cage and my hamster wheel. so you cant get me.


Sunday, 20 November, 2005  

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