Blog by a CAT

Just what it says it is. It is a blog by a cat. I am a Tabby called THE FREYPUSS. If you want to know more, well then you can read the blog because it is difficult enough to type with paws. I may use a human secretary.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Lica and Yo Yo are the best cats (apart from *ME*

Lica and Yo Yo came to post. They are great cats. Their humans write like my human does. We are a feline literary society so far and if you click on their names in the comments you could see what they write too. Purrsonally I think they should write about US but they seem to have other stuff on their minds. (It won't take a brain scientist or even a dog to work out what they all have in common!-Stick to brain scientists as I am off of dogs forever!)

Now we have a request for no dogs on here. I quite agree, I was totally unable to go out all yesterday because of the possibility of dogginess in the neighbourhood. Thank heavens, I was finally able to go out when all good doggie owners called their monsters in. I have just had a great night but I am telling nobody, especially of the two legged kind where I went.

I wish they would change what they are giving me for breakfast. Now if they would give me some of the chicken they are cooking life would be purrfect.


Blogger Sparrow said...

Actaully, I like dogs. :-) My best friend was a dog. It's the stupid stray cats that steal my girl away that I want to ban!

Chicken? Hmmm, chicken is okay... But you must be careful who you accept it from--you never know who might be trying to poisen you! When I was younger I worked as a Secret Angent and I learned that all sorts of scary things are out there. I make it my policy to never accept food that I don't know where came from.

Retired Secret Angent, Lica

[Note from the transcriber: Honestly, when Lica was young she was always sneaking around and acting bizarre! We called her Secret Agent Cat. ;-)]

Sunday, 30 October, 2005  
Blogger Sparrow said...

P.S. Sorry for the confusion of me calling Bagera a mongrel when I asked to have him banned. I lost my decorum for a moment and was simply calling him names.



Sunday, 30 October, 2005  

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