Blog by a CAT

Just what it says it is. It is a blog by a cat. I am a Tabby called THE FREYPUSS. If you want to know more, well then you can read the blog because it is difficult enough to type with paws. I may use a human secretary.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

I was only trying to stop her going onto the road.

What is it about my human that she refuses to obey me by not ever going out, and by not ever going on that dangerous road. I have tried following, and tried loud-as-if-I-am-really-in-distress cries from the strip of wood behind the bus stop, but she still allows a great big red monster to eat her up in the morning and then it throws her up back by the wood later in the day.

Me, I get a long way on paws. Humans are badly designed in my view. It must take a lot of effort to walk on two feet.


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